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Student Teacher Resources


Classroom Teaching


"Creating the City" Urban Art Education

Symposium (above) 

with Dr. Herman, Antonia Darder and Pepon Osorio panel discussion (below).


Home Rebuilding in New Orleans


Service Learning in Rome


This page offers resources to support your field experiences observing and student teaching.


Global Aesthetics

A cross-cultural, global examination of philosophical and aesthetic issues in art, focusing on the relationship of contemporary art to a wide range of cultures, social issues, education, and 21st century visual production. 


Global artists presentation assignment and rubric


Technology in Art Education

Integration of technology in the art classroom for Art Education majors. This is a lab based course focused on developing strategies for utilizing and teaching a range of art making skills through technology.  New additions to this course for pre-service teachers include teaching through technology using a range of platforms for synchronous and asynchronous learning. 

(Sample syllabus forthcoming.)


Honors Art Appreciation

This course provides a conceptual approach to discovering visual arts throughout human history.  Students will be exposed to an overview of major eras and movements in Western and Non-Western Art.  Students will be introduced to the practice of aesthetics in the visual arts, contemporary issues in interpreting and classifying art, and contemporary themes in artistic practice.


Research paper assignment and rubric


Education Pedagogy: Elementary instruction in art education


Child development theory and creativity are examined in relation to contemporary practice in the elementary art classroom.  This course is designed to provide a foundation in curriculum design and teaching practice for future teachers working in elementary school contexts. The goal of the course is for students to understand principles and instructional strategies for engaging in meaningful, inclusive, and culturally responsive curriculum that is balanced across the disciplines of art. To achieve this, four overlapping features of teaching—the personal, the pedagogical, the curricular, and the professional—are addressed through a range of creative projects, readings, in-class activities, field work, and written reflection.






Assistant Project Director

Developing and conducting launch events for a new Master of Arts degree in Urban Art Education Studies in Dallas for the University of North Texas College of Visual Arts and Design.  Duties include establishing an online presence through the CVAD website and social media, orchestrating family art activities, establishing and enhancing community contacts, and organizing undergraduate students volunteering for the event, Spring 2016


IB Film Festival Founder and Co-Coordinator

District wide film program for International Baccalaureate high schools for Arlington ISD, promoting understanding of arthouse films, film making, and international perspectives, 2009-2013


IB Project World Founder and Co-Coordinator

International travel and service experiences for International Baccalaureate and other high school students. Duties include selecting and developing itineraries and educational content, preparing students, guiding and teaching while traveling.  2009-present.



Volunteer Service


Youth Mission Trip to New Orleans, TeamEffort Youth Missions 

Working with teens to rebuild an elderly man’s home that has been uninhabitable since Hurricane Katrina, July 2013


IB Project World Service Learning, Rome, Italy

Traveled with high school students to Rome where we participated in three service projects. The first was working in a kitchen and serving lunch to 400 homeless people. We spent another afternoon caring for injured birds and turtles at a sanctuary in the Borghese Gardens.  The final project was working with the Gruppo Archeologico team to uncover a lost portion of the Appian Way south of Rome. This archaeology project brought experiential learning to a new level for all of us.  March 2011


Habitat for Humanity volunteer

New Orleans, LA, several dates 2006-2008



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