Lucy Bartholomee, Ph.D.
Artist, Writer, Teacher, Traveler

Education is more than a job: it is a calling, a privilege, and a passion.
I began teaching in 1997. Over the years I have enjoyed working with a wide range of students from diverse backgrounds, ages third grade through college. I also find great inspiration in developing and presenting training workshops for my colleagues in education. Each area offers unique joys and opportunities, and I value all that we have learned from each other.
This website is designed as a teaching portfolio, offering examples of my teaching philosophy and practice, professional experience, artistic practice, educational travel, and scholarly publications.
Creativity is at the heart of everything I do professionally and artistically, and often personally as well. The phenomenology of self and other, and the impact of community and place on the creative experience, has been the focus of intense philosophical investigations. My research, arts practice, and writing have focused on discovering and developing knowledge related to the embodied experience of being creative in creative places. Walking Ar/t/ography as a research method is the next evolution of my work. This naturally impacts my approach to teaching where I seek to guide my students towards their own discoveries, towards creativity as a way of being in the world.